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 like it's heaven on earth.

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tix to Alicia Keys concert
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plane ticket to manila
carebear stuffed toy
big black bag

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Sunday, August 12, 2007

excitement or anxiety?

i had a hard time sleeping last night. i went to bed early since i want my body to get used to sleeping early. i went to bed at around 10:30, fell asleep for a little bit but then i woke up around 12 and wasn't able to sleep until 3. it's not the first time actually. it's been weeks that i've had this problem. though it doesn't happen every night, it happens for most nights. i dunno, i've got a lot in my mind problems, him, my new job.

i don't know if i'm feeling excited towards this new job. i'm scared that i won't be able to manage it. i'm scared of jobs that offer commission based on your sales, performance, etc. because it sort of becomes a competition among colleagues and i don't want a competition in the workplace. people tend to do some evil things to get on top. i'm scared to be like that or be a victim of that.

anyway, i listen to my ipod every night to try and get me to sleep. but it seems harder since almost every song on my playlist reminds me of him. unless of course i listen to the other playlists which are composed of old songs, hip-hop and r&b songs, partee songs, chillout songs and bossa nova. but why would i listen to those when i'm trying to get to sleep. i have old songs and bossa nova songs for my dad, never got to transferring it out.

it's been a lazy sunday. we didn't go to church because of the weather. and again, i have to assist my dad with their business so i had to sit in front of the computer. i helped my sister change her multiply page layout. then i thought of designing my own layout using photoshop cs2 but as always, didn't get to finish it. i also thought of learning CSS but it seems so complicated so didn't go through with it.

so, after my realization last night, i decided that i'm going to send him a card to let him know. why a card? well, i figured it can be an advanced happy birthday greeting and it's more personal that way. i can't tell him over the phone coz i wouldn't have the courage to. and not on chat coz he never seems to be paying attention to me on chat. the question is, when will i get enough courage to write him a card?


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