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 like it's heaven on earth.

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Friday, August 31, 2007

70th post

time: 12:35pm
location: my office workstation

here i am...happy again when just yesterday, i was sad and pissed. my life feels like a game of tug-of-war. just when i'm trying to pull back, i get sucked forward again. it's been a very long game and it's still going. i don't know how it will end. if i pull back harder, i'm afraid i'd fall on the ground and get hurt. i can always just let go but i don't want to give up the fight so easily. if i get pulled in and over the line, i dunno what's in it for me.

time: 12:48pm

time now: 9:02pm

it's not even past one day and my mood has already changed. i'm not mad nor sad. and i'm definitely not happy. it's more like appalled and disappointed. not by the fact as it hit me but by the suddenness of it. i kinda had the intuition of how it's gonna be, i just wasn't expecting it when it hit me.

what will you do when the person you love the most is also the same person who's causing all your hatred? when the person who's the source of that blissful feeling is also the same person who's causing you pain and sadness?

ever felt like you just want to disappear from this world? that you just want to be dead? make it quick and painless, you shouldn't be carrying the pain with you until death, right? but i won't submit to hurting myself. i know better than doing that. and i still love my life, pathetic as it may seem.


Blogger cant_u_read said...

i hope our little phone chat helped ease the negativity a little. i'll see u tomorrow. get ready to partay as though u were 13 again!

1:21 AM  

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