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 like it's heaven on earth.

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Tuesday, January 04, 2005

liar liar, pants on fire

mood: aggravated

what is it with men and their lies? i mean, why do they have to say things and not mean it. is it so hard to tell the truth? and the worst thing is, you've already caught them lying and yet they still make some dumb excuse to cover it up. some guys would tell you they'd call you but they never do. some guys would even promise something but don't even keep it...really sucks!! are they doing that thinking it would make us feel better? yeah...maybe it works sometimes...when they don't get caught. or maybe i'm just expecting too much from them...but there won't be anything to expect if they didn't promise anything, right?

so please, forgive me if i don't believe what guys tell me now. it's so hard for me to trust men. i've been lied to for so many times. i don't want to be played a fool again. i don't think i've ever met a guy who's totally honest...or maybe no such man exists? well, i'm not yet totally hopeless. i still believe there are guys who can say what they mean and mean what they say...but they're already extinct..


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