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Dance like no one is watching... like you'll never be hurt...

       ...sing like no one is listening...
 like it's heaven on earth.

Life is beautiful!

.: wishlist :.
tix to Alicia Keys concert
new digital camera
new phone (pda)
more office clothes
new bikini :)
more shoes
plane ticket to manila
carebear stuffed toy
big black bag

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.: thanks :.

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Saturday, November 17, 2007

25 years of crazyness

so i turned 25 today but not too happy about it. i guess when you get past 20, you start dreading your birthday. every year, you feel so much older everytime your birthday comes.

anyway, i do have more reasons to be happy than to be sad. primarily because i was with my closest and bestest friends when the clock stroke 12. if only for me, that's the way i want to celebrate my birthday, just with close friends. i didn't need to have a grand celebration, that's just too stressful. although, i'm still having a small get together later here at home.

and also today, i got the sign that i've been waiting for. he didn't even remember. he didn't even greet me. although it doesn't matter much anymore that he didn't remember, i'm thankful for this sign. when chi reminded me about it, i felt disappointed. i remained quiet for a few minutes and not because i'm sad but because i was thinking about my next step. that was the signal for me that it's really time to give it up and move on.

anyway, i'm thankful for those who remembered my birthday. i, for one, am not good with remembering dates and i can't promise to greet each and everyone of my friends on their birthdays. so i'm really touched by the people who remembered mine:

1) Chi, Abi, Noah, NiƱo
2) Carie
3) Vinze
4) Mom and Dad
5) Deb
6) Tabah
7) Tito Sam, Tataritz
8) Kuya Rye
9) Dianne, Mike, Jhen, Kate
10) Tita Luz
11) Marco

i'm gonna have to continue this later coz right now i have to get some rest and prepare for later. and there are a lot more things i need to write about....when i find the time to do it. heheh.