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Wednesday, October 13, 2004

japanese lessons and pityriasis rosea

i'm still here in the office, waiting for the japanese lessons which should start in around 17 minutes. got nothing else to do so decided to update this blog. i wanted to update last night but i fell asleep right after we came home from the dermatologist.

anyway, here's the diagnosis of the dermatologist: i have a skin disorder called Pityriasis Rosea. i've researched about it and here's what i found out...first of all, it is NOT CONTAGIOUS!! anyone can get it but it is most common in people ages 10 to 35. it most oftenly occurs during the autumn season (so we are right that it's the weather change that's causing this). it starts with a few rashes until it gradually spreads throughout your body after a few days. although, unexplainably, it does not reach your palms, feet or your face (like what i'm experiencing now). this thing is known to last for six weeks to months!!!(baahh! i've just had it for two weeks and i'm already complaining!!) there is no known treatment for this because it disappears by itself after it has occupied your body long enough. the best thing to have would be antihistamines and anti-itch cream to help ease the itchiness (yeah, that's what the derma gave me). and most likely, once you've had it, it won't happen to you again. and it's all just rashes and itchiness, doesn't come with a fever or anything else. well, after knowing what it was and that i'm not alone in the world who has this and that in fact, it's a common disorder, i suddenly felt relieved. but it's such a disappointment that it lasts for sooo long!! six weeks or more!!?!?! i hate this!! *sigh*..i hope it disappears sooner. i don't want to be scratching anymore!!! and i hope it doesn't leave any scars on my skin. and bad news!! there's a modelling stint this sunday for manel's products(shoes, bags..i'm not sure) and i'm supposed to be there but i can't coz i have these damn rashes!!! waaahhh!!!!

so...there! anyway, i think it's the first time i've met a guy who's so vain that it bothers him so much when a single strand of his hair is not in place. yes, that's you becks! this part of my blog is dedicated to you. you should be flattered! he's extremely conscious of how he looks. just because the wind blew some strand of his hair out of its place, he becomes so restless about it. it bothers him that his belt is not fixed the way he wants it. and just a teeny tiny drop of soy sauce on his shirt makes him so blue. it takes him a very long time to get his hair fixed that it's causing him to be running late for work sometimes. it worries him that his pants doesn't go with his shoes or something. i know this is very common...for girls!!!! not for guys, so i'm wondering why? why? why? i'm thinking maybe he has the obsessive compulsive disorder..hahah

that's about it...and i'm going to mongkok tonight..ciao!


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